Welcome Family Members!!

Winona Coleman Forebearer Tree
Gustavus Steward Forebearer Tree
Gustavus and Winona Offspring Tree
Family Pictures
Email Me
History of Gouldtown!
Death Chronicles

Welcome to Mark Powell's Family Website!!

After talking with my mother over the last few years about the Remarkable History from some of the Documentation and Pictures she had concerning her Mother's and Father's sides of their family, the thought of gathering and Saving these artifacts did finally come to surface....! After I started to Read Up and Learn how to Program in HTML, JavaScript, and other cool Software to build Web Pages, I then decided to organize that data collected from my Mother, myself, other family members, and the INTERNET and to put it all together in some sort of Website. So, what you see, is what you get! As time goes on, as I continue to get more information from time to time, and as I become better at Web Designing techniques, this Site will continue to change appearances here and there from time to time.

I decided to Design this Site by creating a Forebearer TREE representing each of my Mother's Parents and Bio Information Links for each Family Member Placed on those TREEs. On each of those TREEs, the Family Member HighLighted in Light-Purple are those Spouses whom the Green HighLighted Direct Blood Descendants Married and eventually had children with. I "ONLY" Included those Spouses HighLighted in Light-Purple for the Family Members who were the Direct Blood Descendants relevant to the birth of the 4-STEWARDS [Anna, Frank, Mary, and Winona]. I did Include the Spouses for the Non-Direct Blood Descendants within their Bio Pages. So, as you'll see, the MIDDLE of each TREE Represent the MAIN Family Members I concentrated on who were Directly Responsible for the Births of the STEWARDs whom I was born from. For Clarity, I also decided to use MAIDEN Names of all Females throughout this website per each of their Bio Pages. The other TREE created consists of the OFFSPRING Produced from both Gustavus Steward and Winona Coleman.

Putting together this Website took well over 8 months of work and as you can imagine from Viewing these TREEs, gathering information for EACH Green Direct Blood Descendant's Spouse would simply be too exhausting and take a considerable amount of time and research along with additional Web Designs for TREEs for them. So, for all practicality, I decided to stay with the evolution of the 4-STEWARDS, but still include the other Members in the FAMILY PICTUREs Page . Creating TREEs from each Family Member could go on and on and ON all the way back in TIME!!! You must at least try to arrive at a STARTING and ENDING Point and stick with it. In my case, with the information I was originally presented with, my STARTING Family Member Years were in the 1600's on my Mother's Father Forebearer TREE starting with SIR WILLIAM FENWICK and his wife ELIZABETH GARGRAVE and then in the 1800's on my Mother's Mother Forebearer TREE starting with MEECHAK JONES and SARAH JONES. In the near Future, I will create another TREE consisting of MEECHAK's Side Family Descendants since I currently have some information involved with several of his family Members. If any of you out there have some extra time on your hands, then by all means create some additional Web Page TREEs from your Research for those Members that I didn't include. You can always LINK your Site to mine!!!

Within this site, you will find the Family Pictures Web Page LINK. This includes a LAST NAME Selection List from which to Locate and VIEW whatever Pictures I have among various Family Members. As I Recieve additional Pictures from other Family Members, I will Update their Sections accordingly.

I hope you enjoy Viewing this Website and all it's Historic Data!! Although it took quite awhile to put this Site together, it has been both enjoyable and fascinating learning about many Direct Forebearer Descendants that are ALL part of my Physical Makeup! It's pretty incredible knowing things like this going all the way back to the 1600's!!

I will be moving on to work on other Personal Web Site Projects, but, I will continue to UPDATE this Site from time to time. So, if you'd like to send some additional Pertinent Family Information such as Pictures, Bio Page Information, or maybe some corrections to this Site, please feel free to send me an EMAIL and ATTACHMENTs where applicable and I'll respond as efficiently as possible.

Welcome again and THANKS FOR VISITING!!!