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Bio Information - Pascale Francoise Clevy


FirstName: Pascale Francoise

LastName: Clevy

BirthDate: August 6, 1953

Birth Place: Dombasle sur Meurthe, France

Date Of Death: Living

Personal: Pascale Clevy was 1 of 6 children produced from the marriage of Andre Auguste Joseph Clevy and his wife Marie-Therese Elisabeth Mattenet. She was born and raised in France and met her future husband to be Wayne Kelley when he came there seeking his fame and fortune as a European Jazz performer. They have since been married over 20 years and have 1 child (Louis) between them. She also has 2 other children [Emile Andre Kroeger and Simon Peter Kroeger] from a previous marriage. These days, Pascale is working in Paris France and enjoying her family. As more data continues to 'roll' in, her BIO webpage will be updated accordingly.

Mother: Marie-Therese Elisabeth Mattenet

Father: Andre Auguste Joseph Clevy


For more Pictures of  Pascale, select Family Pictures Link below, then Clevy

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