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Bio Information - Danny Bibra


FirstName: Daniel Benjamin Ulysses Alexander

LastName: Bibra

BirthDate: June 25, 1983

Birth Place: Berlin, Germany

Date Of Death: Living

Personal: Danny is one of 2 kids produced from the marriage of Bernd Heinz Bibra and his wife Mary Kelley. He attended Grundschule elementary school from 1989 - 1995 then later went on to Gymnasium High School in Berlin until he graduated in June 2002. When he graduated, he set out all over the world to visit his relatives! He traveled to France and back forth to the U.S. while visiting his Grandmother and cousins. He most recently ( July 2001) came to visit us here in Columbus, Ohio. He stayed for 2 weeks at cousin Cassandra Steward's house. He attended a Picnic that another cousin, Joe Powell had at his apartment. As I last heard, Danny was vacationing with his girlfriend in Istanbul, Turkey while visiting her parents. That Danny, he's what you can now call, a 'Wordly' young man....! As it goes, as more data continues to 'roll' in, his BIO webpage will be updated accordingly.

Mother: Mary Kelley

Father: Bernd Heinz Bibra



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