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Bio Information - Winona Powell


FirstName: Winona 'Sister'

LastName: Powell

BirthDate: 1959

Birth Place: Anchorage, Alaska

Date Of Death: Living

Personal: Winona 'Sister' Powell was the only girl of the 5 children produced from the marriage of Joseph Powell and his wife Winona Steward. She was born in the wonderful State of Alaska while her father was stationed at Elmendorf A.F.B. in Anchorage, Alaska. Throughout her life growing up, everybody knew and called Winona as 'Sister'. I'm not sure how that started, but, that's how we have addressed Winona ever since I can remember. 'Sister' has always loved all types of music, especially her favorite Rock Band "Grand Funk Railroad" and has played guitar and sang for many years. She grew up in different areas throughout the U.S. because of her father's military obligations, but spent the majority of her growing up years along with her other brothers in the community of Southfield in Columbus, Ohio. 'Sister' has Never married and also has no kids. Becuase of her taste of "Grunge" types of music and her willingness to create an all women's band involed in that kind and her own brands of 'mixed' "Rock" music, she decided to move to Seattle Washington in hopes of reaching her maximum potential musically. She has since lived in Seattle since about 1990. Periodically, she comes back to town to visit friends and relatives. 'Sister' is a very private and "Spiritual" person who likes to read the Bible and who also likes to meditate and reach out to our Dear God. As time goes by, 'Sister's enthusiasm for life's Spiritual fullfillment will inevitably be reached!!

Mother: Winona Steward

Father: Joseph Powell


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Winona Coleman Forebearer Tree
Gustavus Steward Forebearer Tree
Gustavus and Winona Offspring Tree
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